
From 6 April 2022, you can evidence your right to rent using a share code only. Landlords are no longer able to accept physical documents for the purposes of a right to work / rent check even if they show a later expiry date. You can:
Frequently asked questions for employers and landlords, about the rights of Hong Kong BN(O) visa holders explains how landlords can verify your right to rent in the UK, including while you are still waiting for the outcome of your applications.
Housing Rights gives more information about people's rights when looking for a home, based on their immigration status. It includes legal rights renters have and how to ensure you are treated fairly when renting privately.
For more information about private housing, check out:
Frequently asked questions about private housing
Useful links:
What you need to know when renting
Renting from a private landlord
Guide for tenants: fit for human habitation
Prove your right to rent in England
What if something goes wrong?
HKSS - Hong Kong Settlement Scheme - Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre (kcalc.org.uk)
Drop-in session on housing
This event covered how to find and view the property, applying for the tenancy, explained right to rent checks, deposits, tenancy agreements and other required information to secure privately rented accommodation. The second part explained rights of private tenant in the UK. The session was presented by National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) and Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
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Last updated: 13/04/2023