Exhibitions 2023

The festival included a series of migration focused exhibitions in the Winter Garden, in the Millennium Gallery and on the main Festival site during the day.
These included:
Becoming Us
Becoming us is an interactive exhibition that invites you to see the world through our eyes, in our words, no-one elses. We are a group of young people, researchers and artists from all over the world and we have been exploring creative ways to bring people together. Across 8 weeks of workshops we have interrogated what it means to build community, how our passions can connect us and what we want to say about the world.

Seeing Beyond Our Culture Outfits - Welcoming Cultures
Welcoming cultures aim is to increase the visibility in educational systems, museums and society by co creating resources and events where our culture is being celebrated and recognised. The exhibition was an example of increasing everyone’s culture visibility and educating the wider audience about the diverse cultural elements which our city has. The exhibition has been curated by Terezia and the photographer is Jeremy Abrahams.

We Are Here, Because You Were There
This project documents the experiences of Afghan interpreters who were resettled to the UK under ARAP, launched in April 2021, through photo portraiture and interviews. The photographer has edited the portraits to help anonymise the interpreters still at risk. They are a composite which have been blurred or pixelated and overlaid It invites viewers to engage with the people behind the headlines, and encourages reflection on the deep entanglement between the UK and Afghanistan. They reflect the structural and lasting impact of Britain's military employment practices, immigration laws and foreign policy

You, Me and Those Who Came Before
As part of Refugee Week Festival 2019, Counterpoints Art commissioned internationally the renowned photographer, Jillian Edelstein, to respond to that years theme of the festival "You, me and those who came before". The result is a stunning series of portraits featuring eleven public figures who all share a refugee heritage, as either first or second generation 'refugees'.