Welcome to our research
Our current research
Everyday co-living
This research explores the experiences and practices of hosting from the perspectives of people who welcomed families and individuals from Ukraine into their homes.

Peer researchers reflect on their findings
Our peer and community researchers have created short videos sharing findings from research they have been involved in as part of Refugee Integration Yorkshire and Humber.
A peer researcher’s reflection on social connections in Yorkshire - Jack talks about the concept of ‘cultural exchange’, which arose when he worked with the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) on their recent social connections project. As part of this work IPPR published the toolkit ‘Building the foundations for social connections in Yorkshire and the Humber’.
Refugee housing pathways: the importance of information and support – Community Researcher Akosiwa shares the story of a research participant who experienced homelessness after being awarded refugee status. Read more about this research on refugee housing experiences, led by the University of Huddersfield.
A way of building trust, and creating a safe setting when sharing data – Sameerah reflects on how her role as a Community Researcher helped gain participants’ trust in the research process. This video forms part of the Migration Yorkshire peer research toolkit.

Research by our partners
Communities up close
Our ambitious qualitative research project Communities up Close took researchers to ten neighbourhoods across Yorkshire and Humber, where we talked with over 300 residents and professionals in the region to understand how different neighbourhoods experienced and responded to recent migration.
Here is a collection of videos inspired and informed by our work on the project.