供地方政府及志願組織參考的資訊 (只有英文版)

Information for Local Authorities

Government guidance related to Hong Kong Welcome Programme

Welcome: a guide for Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders in the UK - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) Welcome Programme – information for local authorities - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Research on the BN(O) visa holders in the UK

New in class: How schools can help children and families from Hong Kong to settle and integrate (Conducted by Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers, April 2023)

Unlocking potential: Meeting the educational needs of Hongkongers in Britain (Conducted by Hongkongers in Britain, February 2023)

UK Hongkongers' Demographic (Conducted by UKHK, August 2022)

Settling in: Hong Kongers and their new lives in the UK (Conducted by Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers, July 2022)

Rise to the Challenges: Civic engagement and social integration of BN(O) Hong Kongers in the UK (Conducted by UK Welcome Refugees and the Good Neighbour Church, England, July 2022)

Survey Report of Mental Health Amongst Hong Kong Arrivals in the United Kingdom (Conducted by Hongkongers in Britain, May 2022)

UKHK Integration Project Survey (Conducted by UKHK, February 2022)

Survey Report on Work and Employment for Recently Arrived Hongkongers in the UK (Conducted by Hongkongers in Britain, October 2021)

Where will Hongkongers stay in Britain? Survey Report on Hong Kong BN(O) Arrivalsʼ Preferred Destinations (Conducted by Hongkongers in Britain, June 2021)




Updated: 24/01/2025




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