Advertise your vacancy

You're welcome to advertise your paid job vacancies in the migration sector in Yorkshire and Humber on our vacancies page. This is a free service. We can also include volunteering opportunities, if the advert is time-limited [has a closing date], but not ongoing adverts.
What you need to do
If you would like to to advertise a vacancy on this website, please email the details to us at
If the vacancy details are already on another website, please send us the link and we'll include brief information and the link to the details on the other website. Otherwise, please let us know the following information:
- vacancy job title
- organisation
- location - where the postholder will be working [eg Sheffield]
- salary
- brief details of what the job involves
- closing date
- how to apply - for example a link to a web page where people can download an application pack, or a contact name and phone number: only include an individual's name and contact details if you have the authority to do this
We're happy to include extra information if you want to send it, such as website address, reference number and so on. We can sometimes include downloads such as application forms, this depends on our staffing at the time but you're welcome to ask.
Please keep us up to date
Let us know also if the details of your vacancy change once it has been advertised, or if you withdraw the vacancy before the closing date.
We'll try hard to include your details accurately, but we cannot take responsibility for any errors in your advert as posted on our website. We will let you know once your advert is visible on the website, so that you can check the details and let us know of any changes you want us to make.