Training and conferences

Training available locally in Yorkshire and Humber, and nationally, for professionals, foster carers and supported lodgings providers supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children [UASC].
Upcoming courses and events
Please see all training we are running for professionals and carers supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children [UASC] in Yorkshire and Humber on the Migration Yorkshire Events and training page.
Ongoing external courses
ECPAT online training
Outline ECPAT UK has now moved all training sessions in to an online format. Most courses now consist of half-day two modules which are completed over Zoom.
For Professionals supporting and working with children who have been trafficked.
Organisation ECPAT UK
Level 4 Qualification in Age Assessment
Outline Covering case law linked to age assessments, the ways in which age assessments should be prepared, the impacts the age assessments may have on individuals, the importance of decision making, and the skills needed to write up an age assessment in a robust way.
For Social workers undertaking age assessments
Organisation Immigration and Social work Services LTD [ISWS]
SAFE training
Outline This course is designed for learners to gain a good understanding of the situation of unaccompanied and separated children, and an overview of their specific needs and knowledge on how to address them.
For There are e-learning courses for both professionals and foster carers.
Organisation the British Red Cross
The Secret Gardeners: film on child trafficking from Vietnam
Outline ECPAT UK created an animated film for Anti-Slavery Day in October 2017, aimed at tackling the growing issue of Vietnamese children being trafficked to the UK for cannabis cultivation.
For Professionals supporting and working with children who have been trafficked.
Organisation ECPAT UK
Torture and the asylum and immigration system - free e-learning course
Outline The aim is to raise awareness about torture in the international human rights framework, and how this is relevant to migrants and asylum seekers in the UK. The course is split in to three online modules, and includes practical advice on how to seek accountability for torture.
For Community organisations and similar organisations without specialist legal knowledge
Organisation REDRESS