Resources for professionals

Child trafficking advice
Description free guidance for professionals concerned that a child or young person has been or is about to be trafficked into or out of the UK.
Child exploitation disruption toolkit
April 2019
Home Office
Description This guidance provides disruption tactics for those working to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation.
ESOL for refugees: a toolkit for commissioners and practitioners
Migration Yorkshire
Description This new toolkit offers useful guidance and highlights current effective practice in ESOL [English for speakers of other languages] for refugees.
Guide for social workers supporting refugee and migrant children in England
July 2019
UNISON and Coram Children's Legal Centre
Description This resource provides a clear guide to law in England, gives an overview of the issues affecting refugee and migrant children in the UK and identifies common themes related to providing support to them from a social work context.
How to convey child-friendly information for children in migration
December 2018
The Council of Europe
Description A handbook to help front line professionals working with migrant children.
Migration, child trafficking and your rights in the UK
April 2021
Description ECPAT UK and World Vision Vietnam have launched some new resources to inform children and young people from Vietnam at risk of exploitation about their rights in the UK criminal justice system. There are resources available for children and professionals.
Migrant information hub
Description Covid 19 information for migrants and services in Yorkshire and Humber. Resources to share, including multi-lingual materials, national guidance, local services, and support, along with news and updates on specific migrant issues.
Protecting children from trafficking and modern slavery
June 2021
Description Information about recognising, preventing and legislation relating to UASC and children who have been trafficked.
Refugee toolkit
The Children’s Society
Description Resources to enable all agencies to stay informed about the needs, rights and entitlements of young refugees and asylum seekers.
Supporting UASC into education
May 2021
National Association of Virtual School Heads [NAVSH]
Description A range of resources produced by local authorities as part of a project to support unaccompanied asylum seeking children into education.